Cricket is a game that can be performed anywhere, including in a sports hall, a garden, a park, a beach, or even on a city street.
It doesn't always have to be a competitive game with a hardball and protective gear.
Therefore, all you need to play a casual game of softball cricket is some comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and athletic shoes, along with (obviously) a bat and a ball (such as a tennis ball).
Read on for a quick checklist of the Cricket Kit you'll need to play hardball for a cricket team.
The Must Haves Essential Items
The Cricket Bat
There's nothing like holding your own perfectly-sized bat, especially when you first make contact with the ball. Some clubs may provide bats, and you can borrow an old one from someone.
Cricket Batting Gloves
Both the ball and the fingers are delicate. So, believe us when we say you'll want severe padding around them. Suitable batting gloves provide much protection but allow easy movement and ventilation (your hands will sweat). The more expensive ones will offer more protection for the second and third fingers of the hand that will be used to grip the bottom of the bat handle (this is how you can tell which batting gloves are for the right or left hand).
The lightest, most protective ones you can manage should be used. The two main types are cane-cored pads covered in low-density or pure, high-density foam. Choose the cane type if you want extra protection rather than the foam type if you want lightness to make running easier.
Discovering the Ideal Fit
The knee roll should be in contact with your knee and allow for easy bending when you slip the notch at the bottom of the pad over your shoe and fasten the strap around your upper calf.
Boots for Cricket
Your trusted trainers are not capable of handling this situation. It would be best to have a pair of cricket-specific shoes that provide you with defense, support, and a good grip for quick acceleration. Whether to wear spikes or moldable soles is a personal preference, but you should consider how soft the playing surface is.
Socks for Cricket
A few white, moisture-wicking socks with some support should be in your possession.
Helmet for Cricket
Anyone under 18 is now legally required to wear a helmet, but we still advise that everyone do so. We prefer to prevent any injuries from occurring. After safety, which ought to be a given, vision and size should be the main factors to consider. Check it out. Before purchasing your helmet, make sure to speak with the staff in the cricket kit department of the store. It's crucial to get this right. Does it keep still when you shake your head without feeling too tight?
(Box) An Abdominal Protector
The manufacturers refer to your crown jewels as your "abdomen," as you might have guessed. Consider the repercussions of not wearing one; you don't want to consider them. That's all there is to say.
The box cannot simply be tucked into your pants. A jockstrap is made to keep it exactly where it needs to be for your protection. If you prefer to wear "Jockshorts" or "tighty whiteys," that is also acceptable; just make sure you wear something.
Knee pads
Guards for your hip, outer thigh (the one facing the bowler, depending on whether you're left or right-handed), and inner thigh of the other leg are equally crucial. A model that combines these is produced by some manufacturers.
Baseball cap
You need one with a peak to keep the sporadic summer sun ray from entering your eyes. You could wear any cap, but why be the subject of jokes in the locker room when you're just starting?
Cricket Clothing
You'll need a complete set of "whites" to show up at a club, including batting shorts, white socks, a white shirt, and stretchy, comfortable pants. You'll also need a cricket sweater for those chilly spring days standing in the field but check with your club about this before buying one, as they may want to sell you one with the club badge on it.
Equipment for Training
Also helpful are shorts, trainers, training socks, and a cricket hoodie and pants.
The Cricket Bag
You'll need a large bag to hold your bat, pads, helmet, and perhaps some stumps to transport this equipment. Not to mention a towel and possibly a change of clothing. Rucksacks, holdalls, and wheelie bags are just a few of the different styles you can purchase, but when you're just getting started, heed our advice and buy a size larger than you think you'll need because you'll soon fill it.
Additional Cricket Kit Equipment
Specialist Cricket Boots
Some cricketers wear specific boots designed for the batsman, fast bowler, or all-rounder. If you already know how you want to specialize, this is great. Otherwise, buy a general pair.
Toe Guard
Not for you – for your bat! A little plastic cap that fits over the end of your bat to stop it from splitting or chipping on hard pitches.
Knocking-in Mallet
Your bat must be "knocked in" for at least 6 hours before you use it. Many people use an old ball in a sock, but this is hard work. Far better to get a specialist knocking-in mallet.
Optional Body Protection
Chest guards, arm guards, and even mouth guards (especially if you're keeping a wicket) are all things you might consider when facing fast bowlers.
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